
“People usually look at art trying to answer the question: ‘What is it? Why is it’ And my response is always: ‘Look at it, and look at it again. And just how does it make you feel?’” — Ellsworth Kelly

Each of the photographs in my Color series represents a fragment of a perception, a portion of the whole, a minor detail of something much larger. Color is the first thing I see, and for me the most important. Everything has the property of color; I land there first and choose to stay. With the clutter eliminated and the variables limited, I immerse myself in an experience that is pure, direct and sensual.

Ellsworth Kelly appears to love color as well. What resonates is his direct expression of color, and not colorful subject matter. It’s as if he decided that color is not just a bullet point. And in case his intent was unclear, look at his honest and direct titles: Blue Panel II, Red Blue Green, Spectrum V. There is no hidden meaning in his work, and there is no story or convoluted explanation to engage thinking mind. Nothing to take me out of that initial moment of joy.

It’s just color. Yes, Mr. Kelly, it feels fine.